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[资料] 龙讯LT8711UX高性能Type-C/DP1.2到HDMI2.0转换器介绍

发表于 2022-3-11 15:11:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 广东省深圳市
1. 描述
LT8711UX是一个高性能的Type-C/DP1.2到HDMI2.0转换器,设计用于连接USB Type-C源或DP1.2源到HDMI2.0接收器。
LT8711UX集成了符合DP1.2标准的接收机和符合HDMI2.0标准的发射机。 此外,还包括两个CC控制器,用于CC通信,实现DP Alt模式和功率传递功能,一个用于上游Type-C端口,另一个用于下游端口。 片上USB3.0开关是一种高速双向无源开关,提供灵活的开关,以适应连接器翻转。 该开关还可以处理2通道数据/ 2通道视频和所有4通道视频之间的多路复用。  
提供两个数字音频输出接口,I2S和SPDIF。 两者都支持8-ch LPCM或压缩音频在最大192kHz的采样率。
该设备能够自动操作,这是由一个集成的微处理器,使用嵌入式SPI闪存固件存储。 系统控制也可以通过使用专用的配置I2C从接口来实现。

2. 特性
•USB c型

3. 应用程序

The LT8711UX is a high performance Type-C/DP1.2 to HDMI2.0 converter, designed to connect a USB Type-C source or a DP1.2 source to an HDMI2.0 sink.
The LT8711UX integrates a DP1.2 compliant receiver, and an HDMI2.0 compliant transmitter. Also, two CC controllers are included for CC communication to implement DP Alt Mode and power delivery function, one for upstream Type-C port and another for downstream port. On-chip USB3.0 switch is a high-speed bi-directional passive switch which provides flexible switching to accommodate connector flipping. This switch also handles muxing between 2-ch data / 2-ch video and all 4-ch video.
Two digital audio output interfaces are available, I2S and SPDIF. Both support 8-ch LPCM or compressed audio at maximum 192kHz sample rate.
The device is capable of automatic operation which is enabled by an integrated microprocessor that uses an embedded SPI flash for firmware storage. System control is also available through the use of a dedicated configuration I2C slave interface.

2. Features
• USB Type-C
• DP1.2 Receiver
• HDMI2.0 Transmitter
• Digital Audio Outputs
• Miscellaneous

3. Application
• Docking Station
• Dongle
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